Healing mandala cards
My healing mandala cards were born to bring about spiritual harmony and reach love.
With their everyday use you can connect to the intelligence of universal love.
This pack of cards can stand by you as a partner. With its contents it helps your ascension and connects you to the ultimate source.
14 Soul relieving mandala
Between 2007 and 2010 I painted 14 mandalas. They form a family of soul relief.
These mandalas are pulsing at such frequencies which create space for Divine presence by the geometric forms of light-gates. This dissolves the energies of fear from both the space of human soul and outer spaces.
Personal mandalas
Every human being has a body of light, an original pattern of love. The personal mandala is Your real essence. It shows your geometric nature in the form of a mandala.
The personal mandala helps to get unbound from the mesh of energies that keep you under the restraint of patterns.
The mandala transfers towards you the frequency of your divinity. In the case of a personal mandala the affirmation written on the back side is a personal message sent for you.